sexta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2015

Girls that look beautiful in crochet blouse with long sleeves. It demaismais than beautiful.

Crochet blouse with comprida- manga graphic point POINT - MULTIPLE 10 +8

To do the job will need a multiple number of 10 plus 8 little chains In the above example the design has 28 race so I'll try to describe to anyone who wants to do 1st career 28 ch, 1 dc in 3rd ch from the needle, 4 dc in next 4 following ch, * 1 ch, 1 pbaixo in the 2nd race base, 4 ch, 1 p down in the 2nd following race, the first race, jumps 1 corr base and is 5 dc in next 5 ch *, repeat from * to * to end. and in the last block will have 6 pa. 2nd career 2 race to climb in the next pa pa do embossed getting ahead, make 4 more pa caught ahead, * 1 ch, 1 point down in the loop formed by the previous career ch, ch 4, 1 point down in the loop formed by 4 corr the previous carr, 1 ch, 1 dc in the loop formed by the previous race carr, 4 pa embossed getting ahead *, repeat from * to * to end of which to end the career make a race and 1 dc in 2 Initial corr prior carr. 3rd career 2 race to climb, 1 point down in the loop formed by the previous race carr, 1 ch, * skip next dc, dc in next make 1 dc in relief getting ahead, do 3 more pa caught ahead, 1 dc in corr below, one race, one pbaixo in the loop formed by 4 ch, 4 ch, 1 pbaixo in the loop formed by the first race, * repeat * to * until the end and in the last block will have 4 pa. I think I gave it to understand how it is done in the graph, now just go in the accompanying graph the beginning and the end of every row

graph from the top of the sleeve

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