Hello friends, I'm bringing these two recipes crochet I found on the net, very delicate as those who use, I want to thank the affection of all of you guys for loving comments and accompany me with all this affection, every day I thank God for you guys to be part of my life, Thanks. A big kiss in the heart of all you guys and once again thank you. Good crochet. SHARE. A great weekend with good health and great peace.
This is a very beautiful period dress. In this case it will also make a hat with feathers and a closed umbrella. It is an integral part of the magazine in 1000 Mailles Robes of \ poupée. These images found on the internet shared publicly, I have no rights over them.
Crochet season dress for Barbie With Chart - Marquise de Pompadour - Magazine 1000 Mailles Robes of Poupée
I hope you enjoy because it is very beautiful.
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