sábado, 5 de setembro de 2015

Two sets full of beautiful crochet for babies with graph. I loved. Share

See below how to prepare this step by step crochet clothes to give infants and children. This tip can be made in different sizes and with finer or more coarse wool to match the stations. Two beautiful models preaprei. I hope you enjoy. Share. kiss

The crochet together to child is a great birthday gift option or baby shower.


1 skein of 100 g with acetate in white and lilac
4 plastic beads
2 buttons
1 of 2 mm crochet hook
Points needed:

m.p.a. embossed: 1 carr. in m.p.a., 2 carr. taking the race.
back to the mpa, always repeat 2 carr.
P. bar 1 x 1 in relief: 1st carr. of P.A .. 2nd carr .: 1 per annum by
front and one behind. 3rd row: 1 per annum from behind by 1 per annum
front and repeat these two carr.
P. fantasy: follow the diagram.
Step by step:


For visor cardigan, Job. vertically with 42 corr. and 3 more to turn, Job. in m.p.a. raised by 7 carr., leave the 21 p. the right side and Jobs. with the rest to the back. Job. in m.p.a. By 9 carr., aum. 21 corr. on the right and do 7 carr .. Mark 10 cm on each side with the wire in white color, close to sc and start to make the bottom of the jacket at p. fantasy by 15 cm. For the sleeves, Job. circular by 12 cm, make 2 carr. w. bar 1 x 1 raised by 3 carr., make other equal sleeve. Finish: do the side in bp the white part for 6 carr., make the other front two buttonholes. To the top of lilac, do w. bar 1 x 1 raised by 3 carr., sew on buttons, do 2 bows with pearls and sew one on each side of the front.


With the wire in lilac, do 8 corr. and close with bp, do 16 m.p.a. embossed and close to dc, the next race in each country, make 2 dc together and close with bp. Trab. now with white powder. fantasy, making 2 aum. at the end of carr., do these aum. in the same direction and Work. by 8 cm. Make 8 cm at p. bar 1 x 1 in relief.


Make slipper sole following the chart and then the sole Ready, Job. in m.p.a. embossed. Close to 1 bp, split in half and Work. the back by 4 cm m.p.a. embossed and bar 1 x 1 for 6 cm, make a race. 20 p. and count 10 p .. Make 1 per annum in Foreground. and make a carr. Pass-tapes, using the lilac color, make 2 carr. w. fantasy and 2 carr. with white color. Pass the satin ribbon by-pass ribbons and do the other leg the same way.

See below how to prepare this step by step crochet clothes to give infants and children. This tip can be made in different sizes and with finer or more coarse wool to match the stations.


100 g of pink color on the wire
1 of 2 mm crochet hook
3 buttons
8 plastic beads
1.5m 1 satin ribbon in white
Points needed:

P. the high point .:
p.b .: low
P. pass tape:. 1 per annum, 5 ch, skip 5 p. and 1 p.a.
P. bar 1 x 1 in relief: 1 tr in front and one behind pa
Step by step:

Cardigan: make a race cord. 35 cm, make 1 carr. a.i., 1 carr. p. pass tape, split into nine reasons, 3 tr, 1 tr, 1 corr. and 1 tr. Make 6 tr, 1 tr, 1 ch., 1 dc and repeat nine times and finish with 3 tr. In the following careers, aum. on each side of tr, 1 p .. On each side for 7 carr., Work. the jacket of the body up to 15 pa on the sides and follow without increasing pa by 15 cm after the opening of the pits. For

sleeves, Job. by circular 13 cm. For the handles: Work. w. bar 1 x 1 raised by 4 cm, make other equal sleeve. Make a line of 50 cm with two wires together, tie a knot at each end to the right ahead and do 2 carr. pb. Distribute 4 buttonholes and make the other side equal without homes. Sew on buttons, make two laces and sew one on each side, putting a pearl in each.

Cap: make 8 corr. and close with bp do 16 pa and close to dc. In each country, make 2 p., close to sc and make 1 carr. in P.A .. Start Job. the same p. the cardigan, aum. the end of each carr. until it reaches 10 cm. Make p. bar 1 x 1 raised by 6 cm, make a loop and sew in the middle.

Shoes: do the basic sole, then lift the p, do at p.. 1 x 1 bar raised by 4 cm and 1 carr. p. pass tape. To the central part, do 20 corr., Jump 11 p. and close with P.A .. Job. circular with the same p. the cardigan for 3 carr .. Pass the satin ribbon and do the other slipper in the same way.

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