Hello my friends, good morning. Surfing the net I found this beautiful crocheted dress for the baby. I hope you like it because it is beautiful to others and needs to be shared. Let bastente crochet.He laughs. God bless you, kisses! A wonderful week. Kisses.
The flowers are those rolled.
Embroidered with hand needle after ready, 'cause the pearls are very small.
Only the pearl of the center is great.
To close three pearl buttons.
The graphics found on the net ....
But to adapt to the size you wanted did so:
96 + 3 little chains to climb on highlights divide so
13 Highlights 2 corr., 20 highlights the second race, 30 points higher second race, 13 highlights
Then just started the pattern from which then spent a ribbon of 2 in 2 highlights.
This gown is 42 cm long and 44 cm wide
Here are the two graphs found on the net.
The division of the points gives to tell in the pictures I took very closely
Flowers was leaving at olhometro but has enough explanations on the net.
Enough for today! Stay co God and a wonderful week. God bless and good crochet.
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