domingo, 13 de setembro de 2015

A cuteness. Dress output crochet pariah. I loved. Share. Kisses.

My friends see this beautiful beach output in crochet dress is simply wonderful. I found this graph crochet the net and is very easy to do. I hope you enjoy. Already in order to make this cuteness. Wishing you a wonderful week. Crochet good for all of us.

Crochet dress pariah output

point used

Little chain (corr.). Low point (bp): Enter the ag, Lace, pull the p... and other Lace., rem. all p .. Half point (mp):. Lace, enter the ag, Lace, pull the p... Lace., rem. all p .. High point (pa):. Lace, enter the ag, Lace, pull the p... Lace., rem., 2 p. and other Lace., rem. all p .. fantasy point: follow the chart. Barred: follow the chart. Tip: follow the chart.

Sample - A square 10 cm on p. fancy in ag. No. 1.25 = 30 wt. x 14 carr.


Back - Make a corr. 80 wt. 3 more corr. to turn around and work on p. fantasy following the chart, repeat from * to * (10 v.). A17 cm starting work, rem .. Front - Use the same race. base and work on both sides to the shoulders each side separately two reasons (from * *). A 6 cm from the top aum work. the side of the neck each carr .: 2 p. (15 v.). A 17 cm from the beginning of the work being both sides of the front with the same number of carr., Make a carr. joining the two parts of opposite one another. For armhole make between the front and back of each hand one race. 8 p. and continue working on p. fantasy and circle, do one reason the race. on each side. A 34 cm from the beginning of the job distribute 7 reasons (from * *) aum. during a carr .. A 52 cm from the beginning of the job distribute more 8 reasons aum. during a carr .. A 63 cm from the beginning of the work the barred following the chart. A 72 cm from the beginning of the work, rem ..

Assembly Make all round neckline nozzle following the chart. Make all around each one digs carr. of bp and rem .. Size - 38 Category: Beachwear

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