domingo, 4 de outubro de 2015

An elegance of crochet blouse black clip. Beautiful - Chart and step by step

A beautiful piece to assemble various looks. Follow the step by step and learn how to make this blouse, which will leave the cold winter days and more warm, and your look as well as comfortable super charming.

Supplies Needed:
5 skeins of Mollet 100gr - Color 940;
Clip needle;
Crochet needle nº 4.0.

Abbreviations used:
carr: Career
race: current
pbxmo: very low point
pb: low

Way of doing:
Graph 1

For the body:

Make 192 points on each side of the clip and do # * 1 sc picking 3 handles, 4 ch *, repeat from * to * 3 more times, 1 dc joining 12 handles, 4 corr #, repeat from # to # until the end of Carr and also on the opposite side. Attach one end to the other.
Make 2 more tracks equal to this. Book.

Make 96 points on either side of the clip and do # * 1 sc picking 3 handles, 4 ch *, repeat from * to * 3 more times, 1 dc joining 12 handles, 4 corr # repeat of # a # until the end of Carr and also on the opposite side. Make 3 more tracks just like this. Book.


Make 84 points on either side of the clip and do # * 1 sc picking 3 handles, 4 ch *, repeat from * to * 3 more times, 1 dc joining 12 handles, 4 corr # repeat of # a # until the end of Carr and also on the opposite side. Make 7 more tracks equal to this. Book.

Tracks Union:
Chart 2
1 dc in the race for one of the tracks, 3 ch, 1 dc in the next track race, 3 ch, * 1 dc in the 1st track race, 3 ch, 1 dc in the next race of the 2nd group, 3 ch *, repeat from * a * to the end of carr. Add to pbxmo.

Joining the body part 2 with lanes in each upper side to form front and back, then bind tracks 4 for each sleeve and joined to the body part.

good crochet. kisses.

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